Azure Active Directory

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How Quickly do Threats leak from a Compromised AD into the Cloud?

As organizations move to the cloud, on-premises environments (and their security) are put in the background as the focus shifts to the cloud. Nevertheless, most organizations I know are in a hybrid scenario where the on-premises environment holds the master data and synchronizes everything into Azure Active Directory. This blog explores how an on-premises environment is connected to the cloud and how an attacker might move from on-premises to the cloud laterally.

March 13, 2023

Five Things Microsoft 365 Security Administrators Should Do in 2023

Microsoft 365 security is a big topic. Focus is important when it comes to getting things done. In this article, we suggest five areas that administrators could work on during 2023 to improve the security posture of their tenant. You might already have established full control over some of these areas. Even if you have, it's still good to consider if you can improve security.

February 20, 2023

Using Dynamic Azure AD Administrative Units

Dynamic Azure AD administrative units are like dynamic Azure AD groups in that they have a membership rule to calculate their membership. Azure AD uses the rule to find members regularly, so the administrative unit never goes out of date. That is, assuming the properties of Azure AD user accounts are maintained and up to date.

February 14, 2023

Using Authentication Context with Azure AD Conditional Access Policies to Secure Access to Sensitive SharePoint Content

Today, conditional access policies can restrict access to Microsoft 365 workloads but not to specific objects within a workload, such as individual mailboxes or SharePoint sites. In this article, James Yip explores using Authentication Context with conditional access polices to secure access to sensitive SharePoint content.

February 13, 2023

An Introduction and How to Setup Windows 365 Enterprise

Microsoft’s Windows 365 Cloud PC offering can be the perfect fit for organizations that require remote workers to log into a PC that can access their network without the need for a VPN. This article deep dives into Windows 365 and how to setup Windows 365 Enterprise for your organization.

December 14, 2022