Tag: Slack

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Many Successes and a Few Hiccups in the First Five Years of Microsoft Teams

In November 2016, Microsoft launched the preview version of a new application they called Teams. General availability duly came on March 14, 2017. Five years later, there's no denying the success of Teams and its influence across the Microsoft 365 ecosystem. Along with the success, Teams has had its glitches and failures, but the overall balance sheet is very positive.

March 14, 2022

How to Plan Your Slack-to-Teams Project

Successful migration projects necessitate extensive planning, and a Slack-to-Teams migration project is no different. The good news is there are some basic things you can do in Slack to scope your project's complexity and drive your plan. This article gives practical advice on how to scope your Slack environment and make your Teams Migration plan.

April 20, 2021