Microsoft 365

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The Importance of a Well-Thought-Out Security Strategy 

Although there is not a single definitive right answer on how to leverage Microsoft's solutions to support your cybersecurity strategy, there is much to be learned from how certain challenges are typically overcome by others. In this Blog, Michael Van Horenbeeck discusses the importance of a Well-Thought out Security Strategy with some helpful tips along the way!

September 13, 2023

Microsoft Changed the Way the Search-UnifiedAuditLog Cmdlet Works Without Telling Anyone

Microsoft has changed the way that the Search-UnifiedAuditLog cmdlet works without saying anything to Microsoft 365 customers. The results is that some scripts don't work and others won't return the expected results. This article explains what's happened and offers a workaround. Microsoft's actions are unexplainable, but it's the norm in this area where audit log changes happen without communication all the time.

September 5, 2023